About Us

Our Philosophy of Engineering

We take pride in challenging and transforming traditional notions of engineering, using an uncommonly adaptive, clean slate methodology that eliminates the typical barriers defined by roles and trades.

Our philosophy is reflected in everything we do providing you with a differentiating edge and outstanding outcomes for your projects, regardless of size, type, complexity, location, delivery system or industry.

This is accomplished through our continual efforts and ongoing commitment to our core convictions.

Our Core Convictions


We practice adaptive learning through discipline and reflection.


We actively listen, iterate, understand, adapt, THEN execute. No excuses.


The ones that learn the most are the teachers, the explainers, the ones that raise the understanding of all.


Everything we do is fluid process with a power user mentality throughout our staff; efficient execution and having the highest throughput per hour in the industry is the result.


We stop and think first! Then we ensure alignment of the right people, with the right tasks, under the right conditions, armed with the right technology and integrated with the right process.


We make the Complicated…Simple…and then use effective communication techniques to show you the HOW.


We are perennially obsessed with delivering the WOW factor and thereby creating a differentiating edge for our clients.

Being Adaptive

What we have found over our past 30 years in the consulting engineering industry is that one shoe does NOT fit all.

Our unique process focuses on gathering data regarding our clients and their individualized preferences and emphases.

By implementing this approach, we are able to provide adaptive solutions that are optimized to the project needs and that reflect our clients' value systems.

Meet the Leadership Team


Neil Chauhan - Managing Principal

27 years in the mission critical and design / construction industries

Neil epitomizes the very definition of a renaissance engineer having mastered an incredibly varied and diverse set of skills which are further leveraged by his unique ability to absorb, analyze, extract, package, present and articulate complex and / or voluminous data with extreme clarity, resonance and tangibility.

Bringing an extreme intensity, energy, incredible speed of thought (and speech), agility and an inherent competitive drive to never settle and always excel, Neil is a difference maker that is often at the core of DLB's many first-of-a-kind (FOAK) internal and external initiatives and results.

Neil is a true industry disruptor who leverages his intuition and advanced level education in graphical communication to champion a complete revolution of conventional design drawings into a groundbreaking, leaner, visually rich communication centric work product that is rapidly consumed, readily comprehended and mitigates the risk of misinterpretation all of which results in accurate scope understanding / pricing and fewer surprises / blindsides during construction. It is an approach that is quickly generating endorsers and promoters throughout all facets of the industry.


John Lanni, P.E. - Managing Principal

33 years in the mission critical and design / construction industries

John is renaissance engineer who’s passion combines the precision of a theoretical analyst with the practical experience of a problem solver.

John has specialized knowledge in infrastructure analysis and engineering economics with significant in-country expertise in international design, logistics and construction activities in EMEA and APAC locations. He brings a both a breadth of experience and depth of knowledge to every engagement.

John’s duties outside business operations includes oversight of both the Design and Energy Management teams.


David Quirk, P.E. - Managing Principal

25 years in the mission critical and design / construction industries

David is a strategic planner with practical experience in all aspects of the design, construction, commissioning, and operations of buildings and building systems. Having spent 25 years working in various capacities and roles across three (3) fortune 100’s, three (3) consulting firms, and a contracting startup, David has served in most of the design and construction roles.

David’s trade experience includes all broad and detailed experience in all trades as well as all services in the built-environment. As a licensed professional engineer (PE) in over 30 States, David serves as one of DLB’s twenty plus PE’s on staff.

Aside from business operations, David manages the Commissioning, Energy Management, Owner Representatives, Master Systems Integrators (MSI), Software DevOps, and Design teams within DLB.